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A day in our preschool provides each child with opportunities for free choice and self-expression. We balance our time with group and individual time, teacher-directed and self-directed activities, inside and outside play, quiet and active time. We provide and environment for learning social skills and independence, language development, creative expression, creative thinking, curiosity and experimentation. The role of our teachers is to facilitate, assist, encourage and mediate. It is very important to remember…. a child’s work is his/her play!


The preschool (along with the entire elementary school) has adopted the Core Curriculum which determines what appropriate knowledge is for preschool age children. We also implement various other preschool curriculums to supplement the Core.  Zoophonics is a phonemic awareness curriculum that teaches the letters and sounds through music and movement. Handwriting Without Tears is used as a readiness program to prepare children for handwriting. Math and literacy skills are taught through multi-sensory activities. We have also implemented the Sparks PE Program which is called  “Ready Set Go!”


We provide theme-oriented learning throughout the year. The main focus of the 3-year-old program is social development and the main focus for the 4-year-old program is pre-kindergarten preparation.


Literature and music and art are a large part of our curriculum. The preschool has a music teacher who comes in weekly to teach each class. Our program provides an environment for large muscle development every day. We have a large outdoor playground for running, climbing, sliding, and riding tricycles and scooters, and a large sandbox for digging. We are fortunate to have access to our gym on rainy days.


The Green and Red Group children attend a school-wide Chapel Service on Wednesday mornings. They are paired up with 6th grade buddies for this activity. We schedule other activities and parties with our Chapel buddies throughout the year. Parents are always welcome to join us for Chapel. The children also sing during the Sunday morning church services at St. John’s Lutheran Church throughout the year. It is very important that you help us in supporting this ministry.


Lunch and snack time, both morning and afternoon, are important times of the day. It is a time to share experiences and build communication skills while we learn and practice our manners. We suggest that your child be a part of planning and packing healthy food at home. Please do not send “soda” with your child. Milk is available through our school for lunch or snack time. Please be sure to let us know of any allergies your child has.


We encourage family members to be part of our activities. Come and visit and join us and share your expertise with us. All children go on several field trips that are coordinated with the learning focus. Parent volunteers are needed to chaperone and provide transportation. You must have the proper insurance information on file with the school office. All children who participate must have a permission slip, signed by the parent or guardian.


Preschool children are NOT required to wear uniforms. Please dress your child in comfortable play clothes and sturdy shoes. No flip-flop sandals! Preschool clothing is appropriate if it is OK to get paint, markers, glue and other messy stuff on it, and it enables your child to run and climb safely. Please label all of your child’s clothing including sweaters and jackets worn in the cool mornings! Your child should keep an extra set of seasonally appropriate clothing, placed in a Ziploc bag, in his/her cubbie. Please include underwear and socks.


For preschoolers who attend Chapel on a regular basis (Green & Red Groups) we ask that you dress your child a little bit nicer on these days.

To request more information:

Please contact:

Kristin Goller

Admissions Counselor


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